As such, as the government prepares for the final round of rationalising RON95 subsidies, it would do well to make “good enough” policy decisions — which is how life and evolution work anyway — rather than technically perfect policy decisions
All in Taxes
As such, as the government prepares for the final round of rationalising RON95 subsidies, it would do well to make “good enough” policy decisions — which is how life and evolution work anyway — rather than technically perfect policy decisions
It isn’t just our national finances that can ill-afford such populist measures, it is our entire development path. Can we come together to better understand our elite social terrain, and make moves towards a more sustainable future?
When it was announced that President Trump would be speaking at Davos, I found myself being unable to gauge what sort of reception the Davos crowd would give to President Trump.
I would go all-in on the bet that taxes, whether defined in quantum or in type, are just going to increase as we move into the future.